
Creative Education

We believe in a holistic approach to architectural education emphasizing multifaceted development through introduction of core and allied subjects. Directive and Collaborative teaching methods are adopted to build strong design foundation while nurturing individual interests and abilities. Students are introduced to art, technology and social sciences to encourage parallel intellectual dialogue. This develops analytical and lateral thinking, an essential skill in a multi-disciplinary field like architecture.

Hands On Learning

We firmly believe in application based education. Our creative workshops are designed to bridge the gap between theory and practical application while students explore the possibilities and limitations of different media, understand practicability and implement the same to enhance their design process. We break free from a solely classroom based approach and conduct our sessions at design studios, fully equipped and state of the art fabrication lab, ceramics and art studio, comprehensive library, construction yard, photography studio, climatology lab and Computer lab. We are constantly updating our facility with the latest software and technology available.

Creative Education

Without professional guidance, architectural education is only half realised. We collaborate with leading industry professionals from art, architecture, design and social sciences to bring about an array of professional experience to our students. Workshops and demonstrations of latest products, industry innovations, relevant software used across the professional front and new technologies and equipment’s are conducted regularly to keep our students abreast with the industry.
The Program’s deep integration between architecture and allied design fields distinguishes its pedagogy. The teachers follow a student-centric approach providing an environment of architectural enquiry and experimentation. Students are taught to be responsible leaders, creative thinkers and ethical influencers.

Founded in 2008 by professional photographer, John Smith. We product visual content service creative to post production.

We are a team of professional photographers

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, A large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences.

The primary focus, of the Faculty of Architecture at PES University, is to imbibe creative thinking and core design principles equipping our students to derive sensitive and creative solutions to practical problems.

Creative Education

We believe in a holistic approach to architectural education emphasizing multifaceted development through introduction of core and allied subjects. Directive and Collaborative teaching methods are adopted to build strong design foundation while nurturing individual interests and abilities. Students are introduced to art, technology and social sciences to encourage parallel intellectual dialogue. This develops analytical and lateral thinking, an essential skill in a multi-disciplinary field like architecture.

Hands On Learning

We firmly believe in application based education. Our creative workshops are designed to bridge the gap between theory and practical application while students explore the possibilities and limitations of different media, understand practicability and implement the same to enhance their design process. We break free from a solely classroom based approach and conduct our sessions at design studios, fully equipped and state of the art fabrication lab, ceramics and art studio, comprehensive library, construction yard, photography studio, climatology lab and Computer lab. We are constantly updating our facility with the latest software and technology available.

Collaborative Approach

Without professional guidance, architectural education is only half realised. We collaborate with leading industry professionals from art, architecture, design and social sciences to bring about an array of professional experience to our students. Workshops and demonstrations of latest products, industry innovations, relevant software used across the professional front and new technologies and equipments are conducted regularly to keep our students abreast with the industry.

The Program’s deep integration between architecture and allied design fields distinguishes its pedagogy. The teachers follow a student-centric approach providing an environment of architectural enquiry and experimentation. Students are taught to be responsible leaders, creative thinkers and ethical influencers.